Once upon a time…

30 years ago this little gal’s daddy sat under the same tree picking apples…

This year we planted more fruit trees and I explained to my kids that if we take care of these trees they should be thriving in time for their children to pick fruit off them.

In that same line of thinking we provide folks with Family Farm Beef so that one day if my children decide they would like an opportunity to raise their family on the farm we will have a way to give them that opportunity because we will have spent the last couple decades creating a niche farming business that could provide them a living.

When the time comes it’s possible all my children will want to move to town and abandon the farm, but I will have enjoyed every year of the process and hopefully created some wonderful memories for them!

At any rate that’s my little bit of farmer philosophy for the day!

Thank you kindly,

Glade Smith

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