A wee bit of farmer philosophy... hug your kids.


Something inside a man yearns for responsibility, that desire to provide for and protect those things in which he has been entrusted.

When that responsibility lands in his lap one of three things will happen.

It is possible for him to be discontent and assume that he was meant for greater things.

It is possible for him to shirk away and abandon that which he was entrusted with.

However, when a man takes hold of that which has been entrusted to him and can gently but firmly lead, love and laugh with those around him we see a more clear picture of the design God intended.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you I’m sharing a story about myself because I am a man of many failures, but as sure as the grass greens in the spring... that is what I aspire towards at home, work and church.

Now here is the really encouraging part, despite the fact that social media and the news is plumb full of negativity, and dissension on a myriad of issues there are a lot of other men out there who also have these same aspirations and in them lies the key to creating healthy families, churches and communities.

So my admonition for today to men is to be strong and courageous, unashamed and unwavering in the leading your family.

My admonition to women is that we can’t do it without you.

I have been blessed to accomplish some pretty neat things, but I guarantee you that I wouldn’t be a fraction of the man I am unless my wife wholeheartedly believed in me.

Now to a fault I am a man of action, liking to get the ball rolling so here’s a good goal for the day. If we as men are going to change the world then tonight after work... hug your kids, but notice that in a small way you just changed the world for the better.

Then ask yourself... what else can I give to those who need me?

Thank you kindly,

Glade Smith

Glade Smith