A little DIY ingenuity!

Sometimes life requires just a little bit of creative DIY ingenuity.

Mama picked up some landscaping fabric for our garden this year, which is a totally new venture for us but I sure like the concept of less weeding! However when she saw the price of the “specialty landscaping staples” she promptly passed. Which is precisely what any practically perfect farm wife would do!

After a little experimenting we determined #9 wire quickly bent into an open cotter-key worked great for securing landscaping fabric!

We have also put on our thinking caps now that it is time to get serious about doing some barbecue and we came up with an all beef “Grillin Box” that anyone would like AND that you can totally customize with add on options to make it just what you need!

Just $79 + $15 shipping!

Each basic box contains:

Ribeye Steak - Juicy and Delicious
New York Strip - A Classic Cut
Sirloin Steak - Sizzle, then Taste!
Chuck Steak - Big on Size and Taste
Sirloin Tip Steak - A Cut Full of Flavor
Pkg of Kabobs - Just add Skewers, Veggies, and a Grill
4 lbs Ground Beef - Dry Aged to Perfection!

Then you can “Add to Cart” and choose to add on more of your favorites!

Ground Beef
Porterhouse Steak
New York Strip Steak
Sirloin Tip Steak
Chuck Steak
Pkg Kabobs
Flank Steak

We do have a limited supply! Click below to order one now!


Thank you kindly,

Glade Smith

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