Money can't buy happiness... but it can buy chickens!

I’m sure a great many of you have chickens of your own, and if you are like my wife, aka “the chicken lady” they bring a significant amount of enjoyment to your life.

From the moment you start flipping through the various hatchery catalogs… wait you didn’t know you could order chickens through a catalog?! Oh yes, there are more varieties of chickens available out there in the world than we have single socks piled up in the bottom of the clothes hamper.

Anyways, after reading through a myriad of descriptions and carefully selecting the perfect complement of baby chicks to be added to your flock, you place your order and wait for your little precious babies to hatch and be placed into a vented cardboard box with a heat pad then shipped to your house via the United States Postal Service, cheeping and chirping all the way into your living room and all the little hands that so desperately want to hold the little cutie pies. (That was a really, really long sentence… excuse my lack of writing expertise!)

Unless of course the crucial heat pad is neglected to be inserted into said cardboard box which means your box will arrive ominously silent filled with a pile of dirty, crudely shaped, uncooked chicken nuggets. Don’t worry you can return them for a full refund!

There is honestly so much more to be gained in raising chickens than just money. The experience for the kids to have chores that are just their size, gathering food for yourself, and of course the quality and flavor that just doesn’t come from those eggs at the grocery store. An added bonus is all the organic material that is inevitably crusted onto the shells of farm eggs.

These are just a few of the joys that can be had in raising chickens that have nothing to do with money. Just like so many other money free blessings that we so often fail to enjoy such as laughing at your own silliness, conversations after dinner, and bedtime prayers.

When its all said and done I honestly just have to remind myself of how much I love supporting my wife and helping her with our little flock of chickens because when I do consider the money I always end up with the conclusion… that I am paying upwards of $4/dozen for the privilege of raising my own eggs!

Have a good weekend! We will be delivering beef along towards Omaha and shipping nationwide orders on Monday and for now… we will be keeping all our high dollar eggs for ourselves!

Thank you kindly,


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