Family farm marketing

Years ago I made my first post for Family Farm Beef Box and a business friend of mine immediately said, you can’t post that… it doesn’t even look like an ad!


I ignore ads, everyone ignores ads, big companies spend billions trying to create ads that people won’t ignore.

What I can do is invite folks to share in a piece of our Family Farm Life. It’s simple but good and we love to share it!

Stories, pictures and things we have learned about raising food that have been passed down for generations.

We ship our Family Farm Beef across the country and if you have any questions, the phone number on our website is my personal cell and I answer all the emails we receive. (Although my 11 year old daughter is hoping to take over that area!)

Our beef is dry aged, hand cut and raised in central Nebraska. All prices include UPS shipping and it will arrive frozen on your doorstep.

Stick it in the freezer and it will keep safely for a year or more!

Check us out at

Thank you kindly,

Glade Smith

Glade Smith